Wednesday 30 May 2012

Vic arrived

After a 3 hour ish cycle to airport through a nice forest and undramatic ring road of Bordeaux i got to Vic! She only waited 30 mins so not too bad timing! Needless to say it was good to be reunited. Got hire car, picked up tent and booked into our 'lovenest' caravan. So a 5 chilled days now to recover and enjoy time with vic. FACT: would not make it to spain without break. Knackered and knee bit wrecked. Will poat the odd thing this week but be back in earnest Saturday ish...

Saturday 26 May 2012

Ferries, paths and edible pets

As the subject says :-D

Sneaky cheating bugger

Yeah! My ferry shortcut made a 75 mile ride a 50 mile ride. My bum tells me it felt like 75 ;-)
Initially an awesome ride on cycle path by track/dunes/pines. Otherwise a fairly simple day through lots and lots of vineyards! Vic arrives tomorrow! I am leaving all the gear at campsite while i 'collect' her. So i will be like a stripped back racecar grrrr.

Friday 25 May 2012

For sale

Bunker. Good views out to sea. One carefull owner. May need refurbishment as previous owner left in a hurry.


A day of highs and lows

Emotionally that is. Woke up grumpy as didnt like campsite and my knee still hurt. But once i got going was really flying and enjoying it. Rocquefort was an interesting place although it appears wierd mental drunks dont just wander around Gloucester... Leaving the Roc was bloody impossible and had to go on massive dual carriageway bridge thingy-scary even with bike lane! After desperate attempts (and wrong turns) to avoid a second massive one i conceeded and crossed that too. I finally saw the sea today whoop whoop. All in all 8-9 hours cycling!!!
Massive and too horific to describe(think tarantino) but possibly a goat.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Going mad?

Fire hydrant like a face? BTW i am at Esnades mot Charron...thats where campsite is! Lucky as Charron was to find dinner.

I got it up